Types Of Mobile Phones
Written on 3:41 AM by Shiv Prasad
Mobile phones come in three main types; the cell phone, the web phone and the smart phone. The cell phone is your basic mobile phone. It is the cheapest of the three and is readily available. There are many great features on the basic mobile phone; voice dial, address book, calculator and of course, a digital camera. They can vary in price from very cheap to quite expensive, depending on the model and features.
The Web phone is one that you can connect to the Internet. This is handy if you need the latest news, stock market report or weather. It allows the user to view a simplified version of a website. Some web phones are capable of sending email. Web phones are generally more expensive than the basic mobile phone, but the price range does not vary as much. Neither do the features.
The Smart phone is the latest thing out and is the most expensive. It is a combination of the previous two, but more so. For instance, the capacity of the address book is much greater. To choose which one you should have, you may be limited by your budget, otherwise take a look at your needs. If you don't really need to connect to the Internet by phone, why pay for the privilege?